When I left my job 6 months ago, my collegues collected a bit of cash and gave it to me as a parting gift. I was told to buy something for the boat and I promised to blog about it once I bought something. So I pondered all summer long. A few days before we departed Annapolis, I found an end of season sale and got what I felt would be the best item to add to the boat.
I purchased an inflatable paddleboard. It’s perfect because it can be stowed during passages when it’s best to have the decks clear, plus it can be shared with boat guests who wantg to give it a try. And, it’s great exercise to boot.
I inflated it the day of our arrival. It’s great. I go out most days and get my paddling in. Charlie insists on joining me every time I go.
Thanks again VGH Ambulatory staff. I think of you everytime I’m enjoying this wonderful gift.
Love the paddleboard! What a great buy. And I see that Charlie looks like Charlie again. That’s good. Have fun………xoxoxo