August 2014

Can you believe another month has passed by? Where has the time gone? For us it’s been a month on the hook near Liberty Marina in Edgewater, Maryland. Paul and Charlie spent 3 weeks without me while I drove across the country to visit friends and family and take care of stuff in BC. The main item being the sale of our car back to the Toyota dealer we bought it from. Peace Arch Toyota treated us well and gave us a fair price. Not only that but they were so understanding of our need and made the transition super easy.

So, what does a sailor do, when he no longer has a car? He buys folding bikes and a bike basket for the dog.

Gwyn about to take a ride on her new folding bike
Gwyn about to take a ride on her new folding bike
First ride for Charlie and Paul on new folding bike
First ride for Charlie and Paul on new folding bike
Quick stop at Starbuck's after running errands
Quick stop at Starbuck’s after running errands
Now fold em up and back to the boat
Now fold em up and back to the boat

A few days ago we finally took the bikes ashore and ran our errands (banks, post office, grocery store, West Marine, and a treat at Starbucks). It took the better part of the morning for P to tune the bikes, then sort out the dog basket. We enjoyed the ride and Charlie figured it out, only getting excited and nearly jumping out when he recognized the grass near the marina when we returned.

Speaking of Charlie getting excited. Where we are anchored a lot of fishermen come to the little cove to catch crabs. Charlie keeps watch and barks at them when they get too close to the boat.

Charlie watching for potential intruders
Charlie watching for potential intruders

He also is determined to keep birds off the boat. The other day, a group of ducks were paddling by. Paul was at the stern pulling up the swim ladder at the time so Charlie was on the step next to him. The ducks came around the corner and Charlie got so excited he stepped into the water to chase them away. Thankfully Paul was able to grab him back onto the boat without having to go in. We are hoping Charlie has finally learned how to stay on board. Fingers crossed.