Happy New Year and all the best wishes for 2018.
We rung in the new year anchored in Carlisle Bay on the south side of Antigua. There is a resort on the beach here that has had bands playing both during the day today, January 1st and yesterday as well as last evening. We sat out on the bow of the boat, under an almost full moon taking it in.

At midnight fireworks were set off from the beach. Our boat was just far enough away to be safe. Every one set so high in the sky just above us. Then we noticed some more fireworks in the next bay over off our stern as well. We were surrounded. It was magical and well worth staying up for.
So for today’s blog post, I thought we’d add some photos from 2017 that never managed to get posted to the blog.
The year started with a big problem when one of the four struts holding the roof over our cockpit broke at the weld. But a quick stop at Nanny Cay, some great welding by Nanny Cay, and a lot of Paul labour made us good as new. Not the ideal way to spend the last couple days with Gwyn who had arrived for Christmas, but we found ways to make it good.
Next was the visit of our son Keith and his wife Taryl. They enjoyed a week with Paul in BVI in January 2017.
Between January and March, Paul single handed the boat from BVI to Antigua. Love the passage sunsets

Next I came for a break from work in March and was joined on the boat by my second cousin from England, David Wilce (our grandfathers were brothers). He spent 10 days on the boat, while I left after 6 days. First stop was some relaxing at Green Island and a visit to Harmony Hall.
Then came Paul’s birthday with a fun toy.
After much fun and relaxation at Green Island, Gwyn had to head back to Vancouver so Paul and David met some friends in Falmouth and discovered some great hikes.
And lastly Paul had some great crew, Matt and Chris, from St Croix, who helped him sail the boat from BVI to Hampton, Virginia in May. They had a quick and easy sail to the US. Here’s some of the dolphins they enjoyed along the way. They also caught some fish.
Hopefully we’ll do better at keeping the blog up to date from this point forward. Meanwhile Happy 2018 everyone.